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Der Betreiber hat geheiratet und unsere Kunden dürfen mitfeiern. :-) Weiterlesen

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So what is SEO?

SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization, and there is nothing really mystical about it. SEO is a measurable, repeatable process that is used to send signals to search engines that your pages are worth showing in Google’s index.

Basically Google uses a complex mathematical formula called an algorithm to give a score to every website and every search people to do in Google to figure out which website should rank best for what people are looking for.

Think of the algorithm like a collection of empty buckets. One bucket gives you a score for the quality of your site, one bucket gives you a score for how many sites link to you, one bucket gives you a score for how people trust you. Your job is to fill up more buckets in the algorithm than any other website. It’s also important that you keep the country in mind when doing SEO so if you are doing SEO for a UK web site then definitely hire a UK SEO company as they will know how to do the best in the search results in the UK.

You can affect your search engine ranking by having the highest score in terms of quality of your site, of having the highest score in terms of authority of your website, of having the highest score in terms of the most trusted store for that search that people are looking for.

The good thing is that there are hundreds of buckets, and for every single one of these buckets these scores put together in the algorithm to figure out where you rank is an opportunity for you to fill it up and rank better. So optimizing your site for search results really means getting the highest score in as many of these points as you can.

Now, some buckets are worth more than others, and the three main buckets that you need to be aware of for search rankings are quality, trust and authority. So quality: what Google is trying to measure when they’re trying to figure out what sites should rank is offering something valuable or unique or interesting to googles searchers. For example: good content—if you are selling t-shirts and you are using the same description that every other t-shirt seller is using on their website then you are not offering anything unique to Google’s searchers.

Even though your t-shirts might look pretty cool, the content is the same as everybody else’s, so Google has no way of telling that your t-shirts or your t-shirt site is better than anybody else’s. Instead, offer people interesting content.

For example: offer them the ability to personalize their t-shirt. Give them information on how to wash it. What’s the thread count? Is it stain resistant? Is this something you should wear in the summer or is it more heavy for winter?

Give people information, or even be more creative. Get people to share pictures of themselves wearing the t-shirt. Create a community of people who are interested in your product. Get a famous person to wear it and share that picture online. Do something different, do something unique. Show Google that you are different and better than the other search results.

Trust is another important bucket that you need to be aware of when you are trying to get your site to rank in Google. Google doesn’t want to show just any website to it’s searchers, it wants to show the best website to its searchers, and so it wants to show sites that are trustworthy.

One thing Google has indicated it likes to do is penalize sites or stores or companies that consistently have poor reviews, so if you have many poor reviews, in time Google is going to figure out not to show your site in their rankings because Google doesn’t want to show those sites to their searchers. So prove to Google’s algorithm that you are trustworthy. Get other highly authoritative websites to link to you. Get newspaper articles, get industry links, get other trusted sites to link to you: partners, vendors, happy customers—get them to link to your website to show that you are highly credible and trustworthy.

And finally, the other really important bucket is authority. Google wants to show sites that are popular. If they can show the most popular t-shirt seller to people looking to buy t-shirts online, that’s the site they want to show. So you have to convince Google – send them signals that your site is the most popular site for the kind of t-shirts that you sell.

Fill this bucket by building a fan base. Build a social network, get people to link to you, get people to share your t-shirt pages on their social network saying ‘I want this!’, get people to comment, leave testimonials, show pictures of themselves wearing the product or using the product, Create a fan-base and then rally them to link to you and talk about you. That’s how you prove to Google that you are trustworthy and authoritative.

So if you think about it, resell SEO is really just a process of proving to search engines that you are the best site, the most authoritative, the most trusted, the most unique and interesting site that they can offer to their customer – the searcher. Get people to talk about you, produce good quality content, get people to link to you, and Google will be more confident that you are the best result that they can offer to their searchers, and that’s when you will start ranking on the first page of Google.

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Japan Spendenaktion für den Einsatz des Roten Kreuzes.

Ein Baum für Japan – die Japan Spendenaktion

Als am 11.3.11 ein Tsunami die Japanische Küste erreichte wurden nicht nur Atomkraftwerke zerstört, sondern viele Menschen verloren Ihr Leben. Andere hatten Glück und kamen mit dem Leben davon.

Viele von Ihnen verletzt, andere stehen nun vor den Trümmern, die die Flut zurückgelassen hat. Das Rote Kreuz hilft diesen Menschen und versorgt Sie mit allen Lebensnotwendigen Mitteln.

Über 90 Einsatzteams sind im Dauereinsatz und unterstützen dort die Rettungsarbeiten. Doch dieser Einsatz kostet viel Geld und daher habe ich in Rahmen eines Schulprojektes zum Thema Farben eine kleine Japan Spendenaktion gestartet. 

Auf meiner Seite können Sie Ihre Spende an das rote Kreuz richten und erhalten dafür einen Eintrag in dem Spendenbaum und natürlich auch auf der Website.

Weil Japan wieder bunt werden muss. Der Baum soll nach und nach mit den bunten Zetteln der Spender dekoriert werden und dient als Zeichen des Dankes an die Spender.

Wer dieses Projekt also unterstützen möchte kann sich gerne bei mir melden. Der Ablauf für den Eintrag auf der Website wird dann per Email besprochen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen Florian Heinsch

Initiator der Japan Spendenaktion – A tree for Japan.

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Axel Jack Metayer: Meine 10 besten Webmaster Tipps

In 7 Jahren Portalbetreuung habe ich viel gelernt und falsch gemacht.

Eine Mischung aus meinen besten Tipps & Tricks und Diskussion. Weiterlesen

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Vortrag auf der SEO Campixx 2011: Aufbau eigener Linknetzwerke


Aufbau eigener Linknetzwerke


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Tastatur mit ergonomischem "Guttenberg Tastaturlayout"

Ebay Fundstück der Woche: Die Guttenberg Tastatur



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-> Die neue Radioshow: SEM FM

SEM Kochstudio 17 wird zu SEM FM!

…und wie die Schweizer sagen würden: "Wer hat´s erfunden?" -> 😉

Hä? "Wat is los" werdet Ihr euch jetzt fragen… ok. Kommen wir zur Auflösung: Weiterlesen

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Linktausch Tool / Backlink Monitoring Software – Jetzt bei mit dabei!

Nach erfolgreichem Abschluß der ersten Betaphase unserer neuen kostenlosen Linktausch Software, steht nun auch das unbegrenzte Linktausch Tool: fastLinkManager für alle fastBacklink User zum Upgrade bereit. Weiterlesen

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Wir wünschen allen unseren Kunden frohe Weihnachten 2010!

Wir danken Ihnen / Euch für die tolle Zusammenarbeit und wünschen allen schonmal ein erfolgreiches Jahr 2011.

Weihnachts & Jahresabschlußfeier 2010

Unsere Weihnachtsfeier haben wir diesmal auf Burg Guttenberg mit einem Rittermahl gefeiert… Weiterlesen

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Sie wollen Ihren Blog pushen?

Wir helfen Ihnen, wenn wir uns eintragen dürfen.

Sie haben ein allgemeines Artikelverzeichnis oder mehrere, jedoch keine Zeit, um sie mit Backlinks zu versorgen? Wir machen das. Alles was wir dafür wollen ist ein Blogger Account zu Ihrem WordPressblog. Weiterlesen

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